out of date反义词?

发布时间:2024-08-31 11:30 作者:游氏手游网

一、out of date反义词?



英 ['aʊtəv'deɪt]

美 ['aʊtəv'deɪt]




This cash register must have come out of the ark.



+theory, idea表示过时、落伍。

+technology, equipment表示过时、被淘汰、废弃。





英 [ˌaʊt'məʊdɪd]

美 [ˌaʊt'moʊdɪd] 




His political philosophy tends to be written off as an outmoded fantasy.


二、How to Find Out the Purchase Date of a OnePlus Device


If you own a OnePlus device and are curious about its purchase date, you've come to the right place. Knowing the purchase date of your device can be helpful in various situations, such as warranty claims, reselling, or simply satisfying your curiosity. In this article, we will guide you through different methods to determine the purchase date of a OnePlus device.

Method 1: Check the Retail Box

The easiest way to find out the purchase date of a OnePlus device is by checking the retail box that came with it. On the box, you will usually find a sticker or label that contains important information about your device, including the purchase date. Look for details like the manufacturing date or the date of purchase, which is often indicated as "Purchased On". Keep in mind that this method may not apply if you purchased the device from a third-party seller or if you no longer have the retail box.

Method 2: Check the Invoice or Receipt

If you still have the original invoice or receipt from your OnePlus device purchase, this can be another reliable source to determine the purchase date. The invoice or receipt usually includes details such as the date of purchase, the device model, and the store or website from which it was bought. Check your email or physical records for any purchase-related documentation that may contain the desired information.

Method 3: Contact OnePlus Support

If you are unable to find the purchase date through the aforementioned methods, your next option is to reach out to OnePlus customer support. OnePlus has a dedicated customer support team that can assist you in retrieving the purchase date of your device. Prepare the necessary details, such as the device's serial number and any other relevant information, before contacting support.

Method 4: Check the Device's System Information

If you are unable to access the retail box, invoice, or customer support, you can try checking the device's system information. On your OnePlus device, go to the "Settings" app and navigate to the "About Phone" section. Look for details such as the "Manufacturer Date" or "Build Date" that might provide hints about the purchase date. Keep in mind that this method may not offer precise information, as the dates displayed could refer to the manufacturing or software build date rather than the purchase date.


Determining the purchase date of a OnePlus device can be useful for various purposes. Whether you need it for warranty claims, reselling, or simply satisfying your curiosity, the methods mentioned above should help you find the desired information. Remember to check the retail box, invoices or receipts, contact OnePlus support, or explore the device's system information. If none of these methods work, consider reaching out to OnePlus directly for further assistance. Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has been helpful in finding out the purchase date of your OnePlus device.

三、How to Find Out the Purchase Date of Your iPad

Are you curious about when you purchased your iPad? Maybe you want to check the warranty status or simply reminisce about the day you got your beloved device. Don't worry, finding out the purchase date of your iPad is easier than you think. In this article, we will guide you through several methods to help you discover the exact date when you made your iPad purchase.

Method 1: Check Your Receipt or Invoice

The first and most straightforward method is to locate your purchase receipt or invoice. If you bought your iPad from a physical store, you should have received a printed receipt at the time of purchase. Look through your paperwork, files, or email for any purchase-related documents that may contain the date of your iPad purchase. The receipt should indicate the transaction date, allowing you to determine when you bought your device.

Method 2: Sign in to Your Apple Account

If you made the purchase directly from Apple's online store or using the Apple Store app, you can easily find the purchase date by signing in to your Apple account. Visit the Apple website or open the Apple Store app, and sign in using the same Apple ID you used for the purchase. Once signed in, navigate to your account settings or order history. Look for the specific order corresponding to your iPad purchase, and you should see the date of purchase listed alongside other details.

Method 3: Check Your iCloud Backups

If you have enabled iCloud backups on your iPad, you can use this method to determine the approximate date of purchase. Open the Settings app on your iPad and tap on your Apple ID at the top. Then, navigate to "iCloud" > "Manage Storage" > "Backups." You should see a list of backups sorted by date. The earliest backup date is likely to be close to the time when you bought your iPad.

Method 4: Contact Apple Support

If you've tried the above methods and still can't find the purchase date, don't worry. You can reach out to Apple Support for further assistance. Apple's customer support team can access your purchase history and provide you with the exact date of your iPad purchase. Contact them through phone, live chat, or email, and provide them with the necessary information, such as your Apple ID and any other relevant details they may ask for.

By following one of these methods, you should be able to find out the purchase date of your iPad. Knowing when you made your purchase not only satisfies your curiosity but also helps with warranty claims and other support-related issues. So, go ahead and find that special date that marks the beginning of your iPad journey!

Thank you for reading this article on how to find out the purchase date of your iPad. We hope this information has been helpful to you. Whether you're looking for warranty information or simply want to satisfy your curiosity, knowing when you bought your iPad can be valuable. Enjoy your iPad experience!

四、steam饥荒version out of date怎么办?

Steam饥荒版本过期可以按照以下步骤进行解决:1. 首先,确保你的Steam客户端已经更新到最新版本,这可以通过在Steam中点击"Steam"菜单,然后选择"检查更新"来完成。2. 如果你的饥荒游戏是通过Steam安装的,可以尝试在Steam库中右键点击游戏图标,选择"属性",然后切换到"本地文件"选项卡,最后点击"验证游戏文件完整性"。这样可以确保游戏文件没有受损或缺失。3. 另外,你还可以尝试重新安装饥荒游戏,这将确保你获得最新的游戏版本。总结:由于饥荒游戏的版本问题,导致"Steam饥荒version out of date"错误。你可以通过更新Steam客户端、验证游戏文件完整性和重新安装饥荒游戏来解决该问题。

五、out warehouse date和GW/NW分别什么意思?

out warehouse date 是出库时间 如果说单证 就是 出厂日期


六、on date还是in date?

是on date: 约会

The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20.

这酸奶的有效期到11月20日。I've got a hot date tonight.


I can't come on that date.


The date of the election was fixed.


The official launch date is in May.


These figures are very out of date.


七、up to date in date的区别?

1. "up to date"和"in date"都表示与最新的信息或资料保持同步,但在使用上有一些区别。2. "up to date"指的是保持最新的状态或信息,意味着持续更新以跟上最新的发展。这可以应用于各种领域,如科技、时事、法律等。例如,一个人可以说自己的知识是"up to date",意味着他们持续学习并了解最新的知识和发展。3. "in date"则更多地用于描述某个特定的日期或期限。它通常用于指示某个东西在规定的日期之前或之后有效。例如,食品或药品上可能会标有"best before"或"expiry date",这意味着在这个日期之前或之后,食品或药品仍然是安全有效的。4. 总的来说,"up to date"强调持续更新和跟上最新的发展,而"in date"则更多地强调特定日期或期限的有效性。5. 值得注意的是,这两个短语的具体用法可能因语境而有所不同,需要根据具体情况进行理解和运用。

八、date from和date to区别?

date from释义:



Contract the start date from what time?


date to释义:



We'll change the date to March 28th.


Scientists suggest that, for a first date to be a success, you should forget the old-fashioned romantic dinner and head instead for the funfair. 


九、instagram更新到最新版但是还是显示your version of instagram is out of date?


十、What date is it?

提问:What date is it?



所以,这里的回答可以是:It is Nov.24th,今天是11月24日。或者,根据实际情况,再去回答其他的日期即可。

