
发布时间:2025-02-21 07:56 作者:游氏手游网


楼主没玩过1嘛 ,2是1的续作,你玩过1就知道了

我这里给你做个1的简要的概括:主角一开始就在如游戏里面那个塔里面攀登,老实说我第一遍打得很快 半个小时就到BOSS了 然后在和BOSS得挑战中中擦发现自己太菜,这个时候你就会被BOSS杀死,这便是第一轮,10几年之后 ,你的儿子会再度来攀登这个塔 说白了 就是你的继续,等级 装备啥都一样,我开的无限钱 第三轮就打到第一个BOSS了 ,打完后 你需要用那把从BOSS手里来的剑 去城堡的下面 有4个门 4个BOSS 每个都很难打,所以我打翻以后 就已经到第12轮 轮回了 就是如游戏名字已经 无尽的轮回,在每次死亡以后 作者都会重生 就好像克隆人一样,(这里是有动画的)而1在打翻完4个BOSS以后 其实那个并不是最终BOSS

而2一开始就找个叫铁匠什么的 就是为了寻找最终BOSS,而2有白脸面具 杀死你的那个 就是1的楼顶BOSS 那把剑就是我说的开启4个门的剑,2后面我没玩了就 因为第一遍就开的无限钱 一路碾压 后来到了那里死了 居然直接重新开始 所以也就不完了

懂了吗 ?大概就这样吧 2在出之前 好像还专门出了本小说 为了这个游戏 说是为了连接1和2的


对了 我想起来了 2我打翻了也 后面有4个地方 每个地方和1一样都有个BOSS 你打完他们 以后 回去开启封印 然后你就死了 之后复活 再去开启 一共4个 他就是为了 解除什么东西 不过貌似 打到这里就完了,坐等3吧

降世神通(Avatar:The Last Airbender)的剧情是什么?

When the hostile Fire Nation threatens to enslave the Water, Earth, and Air Nations, a reluctant and irresponsible boy must face his destiny as the Avatar, the Chosen One who can restore the world order. This new animated series centers on twelve-year-old Aang, who must forgo his selfish wandering to learn to master his latent powers over the four elements. Only then can he conquer the Firebenders, the evil magi who threaten the world. Written by Sara Stern Levin, Nickelodeon In a lost age the world is divided into four equal powers: Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. In each nation there's a group of gifted people known as Benders who have the ability to manipulate there native element using martial arts and elemental magic. For thousands of years the nations lived together peacefully. But then disaster struck. The young ruler of the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Sozin, began a war of world conquest. The only one who could have prevented it was the Avatar. The Avatar is the human incarnation of the Spirit of the World, he alone can master bending all four elements. But, just when he was needed most, he disappeared. Now, 100 years later, a young Waterbender named Katara and her older brother Sokka stumble upon the long lost Avatar, Aang, who was in-cased in an iceberg for 100 years. Now, they must help Aang master all four elements before summers end when Sozin's grandson Fire Lord Ozai will use a comet to deal one last deadly strike against the other nations and claim a Fire Nation victory. But, all that is easier said than done with the Fire Lord's determined and hot-tempered son, Prince Zuko, hot on their trail.
